
Snakes have been fascinating, mysterious and sometimes frightening for people. Are believed to be related to aquatic reptiles and that over the years, and through evolution have changed. We find them in all sizes, colors and in various environments. There areover 3,000 species of snakes, and only 375 have poison.

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Eyelash viper (Bothriechis schlegelii)

Eartag horned Schlegel

The ear tag or tag horned Schlegel of eyelashes is a small poisonous snake Which I findis the Central America and the South. It is characterized by an amp range of colorvariations have ifor join scales on eyelashes eyes That recall to join. Eartag is relativelyappetite. The adults measure between 55 and 82 cm long.


Tiger snakes

The tiger snakes are a genus of venomous snakes originating from the southern regions of Australia, including its coastal islands and Tasmania. The color of thesesnakes is very variable, and often have stripes like a tiger, and forms in their regionaloccurrences. All populations are Notechis genre, and its various characters have been described in other subsections of this group.


Inland taipan

The inland taipan snake with small scales, is native to Australia and the most venomousland snake in the world. Although extremely poisonous, it is shy and docile. An inlandtaipan bite may contain enough venom to kill 100 people or 250,000 adult mice.


Coral snake

The coral snake is a poisonous snake that is native to the Americas. Its venom is a powerful neurotoxin. Patterns of red and black colors of the coral snake is a warning sign. Apparently, the bright, bold colors and pattern warns other animals know that it takes a deadly poison.

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